ACCULAB Scientific supplies TBE and TAE in powder and liquid form. Both TBE and TAE are widely used to separate nucleic acids by horizontal gel electrophoresis, and occasionally in vertical polyacrylamide gels. TBE has a higher buffering capacity than TAE, which is used for faster separations of linear double-stranded DNA.
ACCULAB Scientific TBE is supplied in packs of 10 powder sachets to maintain shelf life. Eachbuffer sachet may be opened as required and reconstituted in distilled water to make 1 litre ofworking solution.
Buffers are also provided as ready-made 50x TAE and 10x TBE solutions in 1 and 4litrevolumes. These are ideal for laboratories running horizontal nucleic acid gels on a daily basis
that require off-the-shelf working stock solutions..