ACV20WAVE Electroblotting System(Blotting)

Product Code:553
Brand: Blotting


The ACV20 WAVE complete electroblotting system provides all necessary components for performing transfers from vertical slab gels.

• Interchangeable modular inserts combine vertical PAGE with electro-transfer using the same universal tank and lid

• Multi-transfer capability for up to 4 WAVE Maxi gels, 8 VERTICAL Mini Wide and 16 VERTICAL Mini gels

• Complete flexibility with power settings as experimental needs dictate: perform overnight transfer at voltages as low as 35V;

and rapid, high-intensity transfers at 200V in 1-2 hours

• Standard insert with platinum wire electrodes 8cm apart for increased capacity; and a highintensity insert with plate electrodes 4cm apart for transfer rapidity

• Detachable cooling coil, which connects to the laboratory water supply or a recirculatingchiller, prevents buffer depletion to allow overnight transfers and fast high-intensity blots,and maintains the low temperatures important for protein stability during native transfers

• Open design, rigid cassettes maximise current transfer and eliminate ‘shadow band’formation

• Colour-coded cassettes prevent polarity reversal



Maximum Gel Size 17.5x18cm (active gel dimensions)
Gel Capacity Standard Blotting Insert       4x WAVE Maxi Gel

High-intensity Blotting Insert    1x WAVE Maxi Gels

Electrode types Standard Blotting Insert              Platinum wire

High-intensit Blotting Insert       Platinum-coated titanium& stainless steel

Outer TankBuffer Volume 5.3L working volume to 6.4L max
Running conditions 35V overnight to 200V high-intensity 1-2 hours
Recommendedpower supply CS-3AMP


              Ording information:

WAVECBS-HI Complete Wave Maxi System for High Intensity electrophoresis & blotting
WAVEBI-HI WAVE Sub Blot High intensity insert – includes 1 casette and 6 firbe pads
