Available in Mini, Mini Wide and Maxi formats, vertical Sub Blot systems are complete stand-alone units for submarine blotting. Each unit comprises an vertical tank and lid, electroblotting insert, and cassettes and fibre pads. The versatile design of the vertical tank and lid allows the unit to be easily adapted for vertical PAGE or IEF with capillary tube gels, using the relevant optional insert. Other features include:
• Multi-transfer capability for up to 3 Maxi gels, 6 Mini Wide and 12 Mini gels in the Maxi
System; 3 Mini Wide and 6 Mini gels in the Mini Wide system; and 4 Mini gels in the Mini system
• Complete run-time flexibility from overnight to as short as a couple of hours
• Cool pack for environmentally friendly low-cost cooling during high-intensity transfers
• Open design, rigid cassettes maximise current transfer and eliminate ‘shadow band’
• Cassettes colour-coded prevent polarity reversal to ensure transfer in the correct orientation