Micro Scan 2-D AND 1-D gel scanner( Micro scanner)

Product Code:558
Brand:Micro scanner
D-2& D-1 Gel Scanner



The microSCAN is a low-cost documentation system for scanning colorimetric 1-D and2-D gels, as well as blots and TLC plates. The microSCAN’s control software allows rapidgeneration of high quality images that may then be i

into recommended TotalLabQuant and Phoretix 1D software  for analysis. Users may choose between transmittance and reflectance modes in colour and greyscale, and can select their required resolution.

The microSCAN can generate high resolution images at 2400 dpi, while its variable colourscanning functionality is sensitive enough to detect the faintest protein spots in gels stained with Coomassie Blue, silver and other colorimetric stains. As a sealed unit with a maximum20.9×28.5cm scanning area, the microSCAN is also suitable for wet protein gels, particularlythose run in the VERTICAL Mini and Midi, and Maxi and WAVE vertical systems


Technical specification

System: High Quality

1-D and 2-D A4 scanner with transmittance and reflectance modes

Spectral Range


Max. Gel Imaging Siz

20.9×28.5cm (reflectance), 19.7×23.7cm (transmittance)

Interface: USB

2.0, Firewire

Optical Resolution


Dimensions (w x d x h)



16-bit greyscale; 48-bit colour



Scan Optical Density Range

3.8 OD


Ording information

AC-SCAN microSCAN complete documentation system for 1-D and 2-D colorimetric gels – 240VAC*
AC-SCAN$ microSCAN complete documentation system for 1-D and 2-D colorimetric gels – 110VAC*